If you belong to the School, the spell is FREE. Received From: Bottled Up Requirements: Required Character Level: 38 Spells: None Prerequisite for: Spells: None Can be purchased with Training Points: No Training Points are only required if you do not belong to the School of the spell. Five Ways KingsIsle Can Keep Worlds Fast-Paced and. School: Pip Cost: 1 Accuracy: 100 Type: Description: Take 500 for three pips.PvP Rank Resets: Requests and Reasoning.The Missing Pet Mystery: Conclusion Note (And Comm.Also as the Anoymous said, KingsIsle adds more and more things, players can become more and more overpowered, PvP growing by difficulty by week. Even if they are old outdated players that rank should remain as an relatively not easy achievment they earned, showing how powerful they are to noobs. They are unfair, people really WORKED for the rank they earned. Good enough point I guess no? In my opinion PvP and Derby resets should NOT happen. So basicaly Crowns players earn Warlord rank easier no? Isn't it unfair? No, cause they paid money for that Crowns. As most Wizard101 nerds know, Crowns make the game 50% easier if you spent them wisely. Secondly there are the one who bought Crowns. There is no easy way to reach Warlord rank, you must take at least four hours of you're time to reach that.

Why? Firstly the so called cheater Warlords, even if they flee or puppet they still worked for that rank.even if a little. Even if you don't have member it still counts as paying for it, since is an feature after all, no? Anyway there are PvP or Derby Warlords that deserve their rank.but there are no Warlord that do not. I gotta agree with the Anonymous above me.